by antoinemoueixstemilion | Oct 3, 2019
The Taillade family owned the entire stretch of hills in Saint-Hippolyte, including Château Monlot and Château Lassègue, inherited from François Taillade’s other children.
by antoinemoueixstemilion | Oct 3, 2019
Jean Taillade, Jurat of Saint-Emilion, became owner of Château Lassègue and the Seigneury of Capet. He had two children: John and François. François Taillade, Jean’s youngest son, inherited the property following his brother’s death. It was then taken over...
by antoinemoueixstemilion | Oct 3, 2019
François Royer, mayor of Saint-Emilion, became the first owner of the Maison de Capet.
by antoinemoueixstemilion | Oct 3, 2019
In Saint-Emilion, there were two Lord families: The Lords of Capet and the Lords of Laroque. The Lords of Capet lived at Château Lassègue located close to Saint-Emilion village